Saturday, November 8, 2014


The most notorious and infamous of all Nazi concentration/extermination camps is the one called Auschwitz. This was actually a complex of many different camps, with the largest amount of mass slaughter occurring at Auschwitz II-Birkenau. It was here that over 1 million Jew, disabled, Gypsy, Slavs, and homosexual people were systematically thrown into gas chambers and then cremated in either crematoriums or massive open air pits. It was a very poignant experience walking through the camp.

these are cell blocks and barbed wire fencing located at Auschwitz I

a reconstructed crematorium 

a photo on display in the museum showing the extreme starvation and malnourishment that the inmates where subject to during their time in concentration camps. almost no one was spared

a room full of all of the prosthetic limbs and crutches that were taken away from people before they were sent to the gas chambers or firing squad 

another room in the museum was full of all of the shoes of the killed, even those of infants

the infamous sign at the entrance of Auschwitz that in German says "Arbeit Macht Frei." The English translation is "Work Makes You Free"

a cattle car in which people were transported to Birkenau

this is what the prisoners were forced to use as a toliets

these are the deplorable conditions in which people were forced to sleep. multiple people were forced to each bed and many times there was no foundation to the building, so the people on the very bottom had to lay in the cold dirty mud

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